

Service Management

This course provides an appreciation and understanding of the unique challenges inherent in managing services when compared to physical goods. Students are introduced to concepts, theories, and practical tools that allow them to build service models and conceive and implement profitable service strategies. The main topics discussed include: developing services concepts, positioning services in

MGMT 404

Change Management

Throughout this course the student will be able to learn basic principles of organizational change such as types of organizational change, identifying needs for change, resistance to change, change management processes, and other topics related to change management. The course will also introduce leadership, especially transformational leadership, as a critical factor to organizational change

MGMT 403

Independent Studies in Business

Supervised and directed individual study and research in special topics of relevance to the field of Business.

BSAD 499

Selected Topics in Business

This course covers current and emerging topics in the field of Business.

BSAD 490