
Remote Diagnosis, Maintenance and Prognosis for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Taie M.A.
Moawad E.M.
Diab M.
ElHelw M.

New challenges and complexities are continuously increasing in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) development (e.g. active safety, driver assistant and autonomous vehicle systems). Therefore, the health management of ADAS’ components needs special improvements. Since software contribution in ADAS’ development is increasing significantly, remote diagnosis and maintenance for ADAS become more important. Furthermore, it is highly recommended to predict the remaining useful life (RUL) for the prognosis of ADAS’ safety critical components; e.g. (Ultrasonic, Cameras, Radar, LIDAR). This paper presents a remote diagnosis, maintenance and prognosis (RDMP) framework for ADAS, which can be used during development phase and mainly after production. An overview of RDMP framework’s elements is explained to demonstrate how/when this framework is connected to database servers and remote analysis servers. Moreover, Sensors fusion is used in RDMP to detect some sensor failures and even to predict their RUL. Additionally, some well-known machine learning algorithms (MLA) are used to predict RUL of ADAS’ components, and different types of input attributes to these MLA are proposed for some basic ADAS’ components. MLA use training data set, which shall be constructed ideally from actual records reported remotely by RDMP (Prognosis Analysis and Self-Learning System). However, initial dataset before production of the vehicle can be created from ADAS laboratory tests (e.g. Assessments on test tracks), ADAS simulation and theoretical analytical methods. Also, experiments of using the proposed RDMP in some ADAS’ components (Sensor fusion and Braking system as ADAS actuator) are presented. Summary, conclusion with proven results and future work are explained. Copyright © 2016 SAE International.