Dr. Mohamed Abed
Dr. Mohamed Abed is Associate Professor of economics in the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science (FESPS), Alexandria University Egypt. He has his Master degree from the economic department faculty of commerce, Alexandria University in 1992, and his PhD from Bremen University, Germany in 1998, with the merit Magna cum lauder. The title of his thesis is “Stabilization and Liberalization Policies to the Egyptian Balance of Payments during the period 1974-1992: A Monetary Approach”.
Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies & Research in FESPS during 2014-2017. Chair of Economic Department in FESPS during 2018-2019. Executive Manager of the Egyptian German Center of International Development (EG-CID) during 2019-2021.
He participated in several feasibility studies on the top of which a study for the Egyptian Ministry of Transport about the Establishment of integrated industrial Area adjacent to Damietta port in 2002. He was seconded as an economic consultant for the Prince Naif Institute for research and consulting services in Imam University in KSA during 2002-2010. During this period, he participated in preparing several studies such as the feasibility study of Parallel Education in KSA for the benefit of the Saudi Ministry of Higher Education in 2003, and he was responsible for the budgeting for the Forum for Students Studying Abroad within the Program of King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz for Study Abroad from 2005 - 2009. With respect to research studies, he has several areas of interest such as measuring the Egyptian stock market efficiency during the period 2003-08; the role of the demand for money in determining the public debt sustainability in Egypt during the period 1992-2006. He participated in the committee responsible for a conference about the future of the Egyptian economy after the revolution of the 25th January 2011, with the cooperation of the Federation of the Arab Chambers of Commerce in 4-6 June 2011 in Alexandria and 9 June 2011 in Cairo.
He is also an active member of the Middle East Economic Association (MEEA) since 2010. In the 10th International Summer Meeting of the MEEA in Barcelona, Spain in 2011, he presented a paper titled “Modeling Short-run Nominal Exchange Rate Changes in Egypt during the period, 2005-2010”. In the 11th International Conference of the MEEA in Alexandria, Egypt in 2012, he participated by a paper titled “Cointegration and Causality Tests of Foreign Exchange Rates and Stock Prices in Egypt during the Period 2000-2011”. In the 34th Annual Meeting of the MEEA hosted by Drexel University in Philadelphia in 2014, he presented a research paper about “The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Egypt during the period 1980‐2010”. In In the 35th Annual Meeting of the MEEA hosted by Babson College, Boston in 2015, he presented a paper about “Mean Reversion of Inflation in Egypt: Theoretical and Policy-Making Implications”. In the 36th Annual Meeting of the MEEA 2016 hosted by University of San Francisco, he presented a research paper about “Testing the Twin Deficit Hypothesis under Fiscal Dominance in Egypt During the Period 1974-2014”. In the 38th Annual Meeting of the MEEA 2018 hosted by Drexel University in Philadelphia, he presented a paper about “The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Real Wages in Egypt: A Sectoral Empirical Analysis”.
In May 2019, he was invited by Innsbruck University in Austria to present a lecture about “Egyptian Economy after the IMF’ program of 2016”. In October 2019, he presented “Designing Egyptian-German Center for International Development (EGCID) in The Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science, Alexandria” to the DAAD COSIMENA Conference Clusters of Science Innovation in the Middle East and North Africa, in Alexandria Egypt. In December 2019, he presented a lecture about the "EU-Egypt Trade Partnership” as part of the Winter Academy Program of (EGCID) hosted by the Goethe Institute in Alexandria Egypt.