The Launch of the Sustainable SME Financing Program
NU's School of Business Administration is proud to announce the launch of the 1st program of its kind in Egypt, "Sustainable SME Financing" for the Finance and Economics majors in collaboration with CIB. This program aims to prepare a new generation of SME Sustainable Finance specialists to help the banking sector fill a vacuum in the labor market that will enable the financial sector to meet the national and business objectives. Mark your calendar to join us!

Start-Up Talk
On Monday, November 21st, Nile University's School of Business Administration will be hosting Mr. Ismail Hafez, Co-founder and Chief Operations Officer at Rabbit, and Mr. Mahmoud El Sabongy, Co-founder and CEO at Boyot Property Payment, to run a panel discussion. This discussion will help our senior students to learn how to develop market-oriented value proposition and grow their start ups. This comes as part of the graduation project course under the supervision of Dr. Menna Kaoud, Dr. Noha Alaa, and Dr. Ahmed Dahe.

The Discovery of Tutankhamun’s Tomb Seminar
As the world witnessed in 1922, the discovery of Tutankhamun by Howard Carter might have been the most important event happening in that year. Prof. Fathy Saleh, Consultant to the Cabinet of Ministers for Heritage Conservation and Egypt's Ambassador to UNESCO will be hosted by the School of Business Administration, in cooperation with the Zayed Foundation for Creativity, to give a lecture about "The Discovery of Tutankhamun’s Tomb". Don't miss our public lecture on Sunday, November 13th, at 1:00 PM.

The 6th of October Victory Event
NU's School of Business and Administration students, you are invited to attend the celebration of the 49th Anniversary of the Glorious October War Victory on Thursday, October 20, at 7:00 PM. The University will host the cultural "Salon" of H.E. Dr. Ahmed Gamal El-Din and October's heroes, the members of the salon, will be honored and awarded plaques from NU. Nile University students are making sure that you will enjoy your time through the activities they have prepared and the Arabic "Takht" band performance of the night.